Heather Shellenberger

I have always been a very active person who has embraced challenges and has never backed down from a challenge. I have a large background in horseback riding and various sports from when I was in high school to include wrestling. As an adult, I became involved in CrossFit and powerlifting. I then went on to become a police officer for several years before having to medically retire. I began my journey in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at 410 Academy of Martial Arts in 2019 and I have loved every second of it. BJJ has served as therapy for me, it helps keep me grounded. I often refer to 410 as my church or my sanctuary because it truly is my happy place. Between my coaches and my fellow jiu jitsu practitioners I consider myself to be very lucky to have so many people helping me to rise to my potential. I am also fortunate to be able to share my love for jiu jitsu with my brother, Jack, my dad, my son, and my step-sister who all do jiu jitsu with me. I cherish the moments I am able to help coach the women’s jiu jitsu class alongside Brittany and help coach our kids who are undoubtedly the future of 410 Academy of Martial Arts. I look forward to seeing where this future takes myself and this school, because the future is bright.

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